Vincent Van Quickenborne and Jasper Pillen lijsttrekkers Open Vld in West-Vlaanderen | Inland

Former Minister of Justice Vincent Van Quickenborne trekked to the district of June 9, 2024 from the Open Vld Chamber in West Vlaanderen. Voormalig Kamerlid Jasper Pills trek from the Flemish region to the province. The liberal part of the party takes part in the provincial congresses.

Pills zat in de Kamer dead Van Quickenborne op 20 october ontslag nam in de nasleep van de aanslag in Brussel en opnieuw zijn zetel innam. The ondervoorzitter van de partij kondigde kort nadien al aan met full goingsting for the lijsttrekkerschap van de Vlaamse lijst te gaan. “Veiligheid, Vrijheid en Ondernemerschap: de kernwaarden van ons liberale verhaal. I want to consistently defend and strengthen them. As a lijsttrekker zal ik here then also ten full voor strijden”, aldus pills in a personal report.

Voormalig Kamerlid Jasper pills. © BELGA

Van Quickenborne treks from the Kamerlijst. “The last three years we were sent to the tanker of justice. “Maar het werk is niet af,” says Hij. “Liberals need to formulate their own ideas: economically right and ethically progressive. We want to defend ourselves against the extremists. “Brussels has a regional port of West-Vlaamse that needs mentality.”

Nationaal voorzitter Tom Ongena shows “opnieuw voor a combinatie van vernieuwing en ervaring” te neighborhoods. “Jasper takes his position as a strong parliamentarian, with the dossier knowledge and others in defense. Ok as a schepen in Brugge heeft hijn liberal stamps can be printed. With Vincent we have tons of experience. “Anyone who wants to see the tanker in justice will have the right to the liberal issues.”
