Ville Valo talks about his relationship with Anna

Ville Valo has been together with Christel Karhu for six years.

Ville Valo talks about his relationship. Inka Soveri

Musician Ville Valo, 46, tells Anna how his and Christel Karhu’s relationship has lasted happily for six years. The couple lives together in Meilahti, Helsinki.

– Our life together is relaxed. When you get along well with someone, doing everyday things doesn’t have to be amazing, Anna says.

According to Valo, the couple’s pastimes include conversations, card games and cruising by car.

– To quote Dingo: life is easy when you have someone you like.

Ville Valo and Christel Karhu in 2017. Minna Jalovaara

In Anna’s interview, Valo also talks about his sobriety years ago and the fact that he no longer smokes cigarettes or drinks caffeine. He says that the reason behind the decision is the breaking of the old routine.

– Coffee, Bisse and rööki formed a ritual that made waking up horribly slow. In order to enter the books of the living, I had to get a certain amount of coffee and tobacco, Valo says in an interview.

Nowadays, the man enjoys decaffeinated coffee in the morning and spends his days creating new music.

– It took me a while before I realized that if you want to be a good musician, you should focus on making music instead of drinking beer. I don’t want to waste my days on hangovers anymore. I still appreciate the fact that I have seen the night side of life, Valo tells Anna.

Ville Valo tells his opinion about karaoke.
