Villarejo | Pérez, Villarejo’s contact: from a witness against Pujol Ferrusola to an informant about Rosell

Jose Luis Perezthe informant with whom José Manuel Villarejo contacted in 2014 to obtain information about the then president of FC Barcelona, ​​Sandro Rosell, assures ‘El Periódico de España’, a medium that belongs to the same editorial group, Prensa Ibérica, that this newspaper, who met Maria Victoria Alvarezthe ex-partner of Jordi Pujol Ferrusola (eldest son of former president Jordi Pujol Soley), in a meeting in which, according to his version, “the man from Clean Hands, Michael Bernard“: the secretary general of this organization who years later was sentenced to four years in prison in the Ausbanc case. Precisely, on January 30, 2014, Villarejo wrote in his diary: “viki [Victoria Álvarez]. Food and pay month [fondos reservados]. Rosell asked for contact details. She is still very connected to Clean Hands“.

Villarejo’s informant relates that precisely as a result of his meetings with Miguel Bernad and María Victoria Álvarez, Manos Limpias ended up including him as a witness in the complaint filed in 2014 by the pseudo-union in the National Court against Jordi Pujol Ferrusola. “It wasn’t because of ‘Operation Catalonia’, but because It was a way of attacking that waterline, since he was the son of the former president of the Generalitat“says Perez.

appear in the complaint

This wording has confirmed that Bernad included in his complaint the name of José Luis Pérez as a witness. In the argument, it is ensured that he could provide information on people who allegedly would have been used as administrators of various companies whose true owner would be Pujol Ferrusola, such as the company Disprofarm or SRL: “The latter is a company whose registered office is in Romania with headquarters in Bucharest“, says the complaint, which also explains that the witness could provide “data of people who were supposedly doing mail between Spain and Andorra”.

The complaint was dismissed, so it did not end up included in the Pujol case investigated by Judge Pablo Ruz in the National High Court. Clean Hands also filed legal actions against Sandro Rosell, which were archived, for the signing of the Brazilian Neymar Junior by FC Barcelona.

Miguel Bernad has recognized this newspaper for having participated in a meeting with María Victoria and José Luis Pérez to obtain data on the allegedly irregular activities of Jordi Pujol Ferrusola. On the contrary, he has rejected that Villarejo had participated in the interview, as José Luis Pérez assures: “He investigated me,” he replied.

Contacts in the National Court

“With María Victoria Álvarez I later saw myself in another meeting in which Villarejo and Bernad were also present. But my intention when meeting with Villarejo was to do so with a lawyer and journalist who could lend me a hand and who had very good contacts to get into the National audience”, Perez highlights. In fact, the investigation of Tandem case has shown that Villarejo maintained good relations with magistrates of the National High Court, as was the case with Fernando Andrewbut also with ordinary judges in Madrid and even with civil servants or those responsible for security in the Plaza de Castilla courts.

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Villarejo did not want to investigate anything. I realize it from the first day, and I have María Victoria Álvarez recorded, and then she confirms it for me. Because he introduces himself to me as Javier Hidalgo, and he tells me that he is a lawyer and a journalist. But when I leave the Hotel Fénix, I do so with the idea in my head that this individual is linked to either the CNI or the Police. but for me it was Javier Hidalgo. In fact, I have a recorded conversation with María Victoria Álvarez in which she tells me that [Villarejo] He has very good relations in the Ministry of the Interior, in the National Court, which is where he moves as if he were at home. And it is not until it is published that Javier Hidalgo is Commissioner Villarejo, when I connect the dotsPerez continues.

Journalist and lawyer

Villarejo’s informant reiterates that at no time did he know reliably that the person he was meeting with was a Police Commissioner, and that he was immersed in the middle of ‘Operation Catalonia’ against the independence movement. In order not to leave clues, the former police commander used one of his false identities. The Ministry of the Interior provided Villarejo with several DNIs. One of them with the name “Jose Javier Hidalgo”, identity that he would have used to meet with José Luis Pérez and obtain, among other things, information about the former president of FC Barcelona Sandro Rosell.
