Village brass bands in Lissewege | Focus and WTV

Village brass bands in Lissewege

Charlotte goes in search of the old village brass bands in Lissewege. She meets Rik Fack, who can tell her more about it.

In the past, Catholics quickly understood that they benefited from the widest possible infrastructure, including a school and brass band. Even before the First World War, the Catholic fanfare “Art and Entertainment” was founded. The Liberals promptly followed with “The Bleaching Music”. In such a small community, this was bound to cause problems sooner or later. One day, both brass bands met in the Lisseweegse streets. Neither of them was willing to step aside so that it came to a fight… Who won, it was not clear… perhaps the instrument builders!

Later there was also a conflict at the “kunst en Vermaak” fanfare! The music director did everything… even put money in his own pockets. Many members wanted a different chef. The conflict reached its climax during a performance. When the chief called a certain number to play, someone called another number.

