Viktor Brand attacked again by Johan Derksen: ‘Crazy!’

SBS 6 star Viktor Brand was attacked for the second time by Johan Derksen yesterday. He finds the presenter of Mr. Frank Visser Pronounces ‘childish’ and a ‘crazy’.

© SBS 6

As a somewhat colorless presenter, Viktor Brand has few enemies. At Johan Derksen he arouses a lot of enormous resistance. Last summer the football analyst went wild with his TV colleague: “I can still have that Frank Visser, he seems like a nice man. But that guy who then introduces him… What a jerk that guy is!”

“I’m not a toddler!”

Johan was really fierce about Viktor. “Well, it has a language. Then you sit at home watching, then you zap and then you see him. And then he talks to you. Then I think: I’m not a toddler, l*l!”

Wilfred Genee: “He’s been working here for a really long time, that boy, hasn’t he?”

Johan: “Yes, what’s his name again? So childish! It’s like he’s talking to toddlers!”

Wilfred: “Viktor Brand is that.”

Johan: “Oh, what a childish boy.”

“He’s a fool!”

More than a year later, Viktor received another sneer from Johan yesterday. The Today Inside star cracked a critical note about driving TV judges such as Frank Visser. “You’re not in your head that if you’re arguing about a tree you’re going to fight it out on TV?”

Table guest Özcan Akyol teasing: “You are a fan of Viktor Brands (meaning Brand, ed.)?”

Johan: “Well, I think that’s such a crazy thing. He acts so childish. He always speaks to you as if you were a toddler, but also to those people and stuff. Terrible.”


Özcan: “You don’t like him.”

Johan: “No, terrible. He’s from Deventer, isn’t he?”

Özcan: “Yes, he is originally from Deventer, yes.”

Today Viktor lives in ‘s-Graveland.
