Vijglich mensen onwel door hitte bij Ironman in Nederlandse stad: “Het is druk en warm” | Buitenland

Vijglich mensen zijn vandaag because of the hitte onwel become at the sporting event Ironman Westfriesland in the Dutch city of Hoorn. Eight mensen brought to the Zijnhuis.

Volgens de veiligheidsregio zijn zowel deelnemers as mensen in het publiek onwel become. You are reported in an EHBO post. Volgens de Vheilheidsregio zijn uiteindelijk veertig mensen door ambulance personnel nagekeken and zijn eight mensen brought to het Zikenhuis, onder hen more delemers.

First of all, the organization of all of the people who are to be considered. “Er zijn veel mensen aanwezig bij het evenement en het is heel warm, dus het aantal kan ook nog oplopen later op de day”, aldus de zegsman toen. Around 5:00 p.m. what was there next to open tot vijglich.

For a classic Ironman, there are 3.8 kilometers in between, 180 kilometers in fietsen and a 42.2 kilometer (a marathon) run. Het evenement in Hoorn is half an Ironman: 1.9 kilometers in two, then 21 kilometers in a race and 90 kilometers in a bike. The first two weeks were scheduled for 07.00 a.m. when the water was in. The organization of Ironman West Friesland had taken extra rules: sprinklers along the course in a ijsbad before the finish.


Varying sporting events have been added to the program for vandaag aangepast vanwege de warmte. So it will be held next to a loop marathon in Utrecht. The organization of the latter is not responsible for the fact that there is a certain distance between the parties and that is stated on the website. In one other Dutch town, Roosendaal, it is considered that we are going to spend a number of kilometers in it. From 10 kilometers to 8 kilometers and 21 kilometers from each other, he lies 10 kilometers. At the end of the organisation, extra sponsorship and water items were required.

KIJK OOK: Average Rob can also step up to the Ironman

Hij lost bijna zijn benen bij aanslagen in Zaventem, now wil Sébastien (44) twee dagen na elkaar Ironman lopen: “Het has become therapy” (+)

Na wereldrecord rolstoelmarathon te hebben pulverized, droomt Lotte (27) verder: “Ironman in Hawaï, het Kanaal overzwemmen… De lijst isn’t long” (+)
