Viivi Altonen raises an important question

Viivi Altonen tells about the international magazine’s contact on her Instagram.

The 2020 Miss Finland Viivi Altonen, 26, opens up on her Instagram about a topic that many have not necessarily thought of.

In Altonen’s post, the attention is stolen by the wonderful bikini poses, but the text tells what everything has to do with the pictures and the conversation behind them.

If the Instagram embed is not visible, you can access it from this link. Click the arrow on the right side of the picture to see another picture.

Altonen says that he received a message about a month ago that he is wanted for an international magazine.

Altonen decided to agree. She was photographed in wonderful bikini photos, although in Finland, because the editorial office of the magazine in question is located in Australia. The photos were approved by the magazine’s editors and it was agreed that a 6-7 page personal interview would be done. Altosen was appointed an intermediary, a so-called agent, who would take care of things until the matter was finished.

Altonen received a message from the agent:

– However, I must say openly at this point that even though the magazine in question does not charge anything, my PR service does.

– My work costs 3000 dollars.

Viivi Altonen had to face a strict report. Kaisa Vehkalahti

Altonen says that he thought that it would be great to be in one of the world’s biggest international magazines.

– Who knows what could have come of it. And I would have a chance for this investment, Altonen writes on his Instagram.

– However, at the same time, I think that this is my job. As a model, I have never had to pay for my photos to be used. On the contrary, he continues.

Altonen says that he found out that many people nevertheless pay shocking amounts – up to 12 thousand dollars – to get on the covers of big magazines.

– In addition, probably at the point when the agent or editor gives the finished story to the magazine, he will also receive compensation from the magazine. So I and the magazine would pay for him, Altonen continues his thoughts.

It remains open whether he finally agreed to the deal offered. Probably Altonen doesn’t even know it yet, because he ends his post with a question:

– The burning question of the day is: would you be ready to pay yourself ‘to the fame’? What decision would you make? Would this be a possible investment for the future or an exploitation of your skills?

There have been no answers to Altonen’s question, but his Instagram followers have loved the pictures with lots of words and lots of heart and flame emojis.
