Viewers of ‘Expedition Robinson’ are fans of Mariana: “Great action”

Note: This article contains spoilers.

Expedition Robinson

Your stay on Expedition Robinson stands or falls with furs. Edith, Rita and Carlos’ furs are falling like a house of cards now that Carlos has been voted home. So it’s very important for Edith and Rita to gain immunity, otherwise one of them could be next.

Immunity Trial

Unfortunately, the immunity test is not an easy one. The candidates must stand on a piece of wood and try not to fall off. They have to hold up a basket that can be filled with sandbags. In turn, they may indicate which candidate will receive an extra sandbag. So they can make it extra difficult for each other.

No profit

It soon becomes clear that the candidates are mainly targeting Edith: she immediately receives a lot of sandbags from her fellow players. At 60 kilos in her basket, it becomes too much for her and she falls. Then the candidates aim their arrows at Rita, who falls not much later. Niels wins the test and leaves with Dominique and Thomas for the winner’s island.

Mariana has a plan

Edith is in sackcloth and ashes. She feels bullied and left out. She calls herself “that one girl in the class who is different.” She also knows for sure that she will be voted out tonight. What she doesn’t know is that Mariana has a completely different plan.

Thomas home

She doesn’t want to vote Edith, but Thomas out. She approaches Rita and tells her the plan. “Sounds like fun, just for fun,” said Mariana. Her plan succeeds. Thomas gets the most votes on the island council. He didn’t see that coming, but Edith definitely didn’t see that she would be allowed to stay either.


Viewers of Expedition Robinson: all stars let us know on Twitter that they love this promotion from Mariana. They really appreciate that Mariana brings a bit of unpredictability to the program.

TV chef Hugo Kennis once participated in Expedition Robinson. We spoke to him:

Source: RTL, Twitter

Apr 8, 2022
