Viewers ‘Expedition Robinson’ sympathize with candidate who has to leave after a collision with a sea urchin

Note: This article contains spoilers.

Sea urchin

It was rapper Dio who, in good spirits, started a walk through the water with his camp mates, in search of food. Until he suddenly stepped on a sea urchin. And that turns out to be very painful!

A lot of pain

Dio cries out and is carried back to the beach with the help of his camp mates. Soon a doctor comes by to look at his foot. Even then there is a lot of screaming. “I’ve never felt such an excruciating pain,” Dio said.

Immunity Trial

The doctor tells him to rest for the night. The next day an immunity test is scheduled. The camp decides that Dio will not participate. He will encourage them from the side. Unfortunately, these encouragements are of no use: Camp South loses and has to go to the island council.


Dio already feels the mood: “I think that injury has put me in a danger zone.” He turns out to be right. His camp mates vote him out. And the viewers of the program find that very unfortunate. They call that a sea urchin killed him ‘so unfair’.

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Source: RTL, Twitter

March 11, 2022
