Viewers ‘Down the road’ touched by Liam: “I want so badly to become a normal person”

But it is mainly one conversation that stayed with the viewers.

Down the road

It was an episode with a laugh and a tear. The group got to fly in a helicopter, sleep on a boat, ride horses on the beach, eat oysters and sing karaoke. Especially because of the latter viewers were quite upset.

Shameless honesty

Just like the shameless honesty of the young. For example, Kai and Nick didn’t give a shit that they thought the oysters were downright gross. And some were not so happy about the helicopter flight. So Lizzy sat with a puke bag in front of her nose and Thirza fell asleep! Even when one person didn’t feel like riding on the beach and the other thought sleeping on the boat was rather boring, that was simply said.


But it wasn’t just a laugh… When Gordon asks Liam how he’s doing, they start talking about things he finds difficult. He explains that he finds it difficult to get to know boys and girls with Down syndrome. This is because he cannot accept the fact that he also has Down syndrome himself.

‘normal person’

“I want to be a normal person,” Liam says sadly. He thinks that people without Down are better and explains that he is sometimes bullied. Gordon tells him that he is a normal person and that everyone around him is very happy with him. That seems to do him good.


On Twitter, viewers reacted to Liam’s statements. “Dear Liam, people without Downs can really learn a lot from you. Many people without Downs are not as ‘normal’ as you think,” writes a Twitter user.