Viewers are shocked by ‘crazy’ house prices in ‘For the same money’

It is now known that house prices are approaching boiling point, but during this search the viewers are again shocked by the gigantic amounts.

Substantial budget in ‘For the same money’

The budget that Ton and Marijke have is not bad. The two have no less than eight tons to spend. You could buy a nice house with a garden near Scheveningen for that, but that is disappointing. That is why the brokers quickly come up with three options in the middle of the Netherlands.

Two hairdressers in South Holland

The very first house is located in Boskoop. It is a big house, but the garden is quite small. However, the water-rich environment is exactly what the couple is looking for. However, the house has another disadvantage: a residential area will be built in the backyard over the next two years. The spacious house is for sale for € 795,000. That is a considerable amount or two hairdressers with a small garden.

New-build home in Brabant

The second home is a gigantic house with a large garden in Veghel for € 744,000. It is a newly built house that still has to be built, but Ton and Marijke can take a look at a comparable house. The couple is very impressed. Finding a detached house in the municipality of The Hague is unthinkable for this price. You will soon be above the million euros.

House with beautiful garden

Finally, the couple goes to look at a house in Wijk en Aalburg in Brabant. There is a large detached house with garden for sale for € 595,000. It is not entirely to Ton and Marijke’s taste, but because of the price they have budget left over to make something of it themselves. In any case, they are pleased with the garden.

trial living

After much deliberation, the couple goes on trial living in the house in Veghel in Brabant. This was the only house they were really excited about. Because the house is not there yet, they stay in a bed & breakfast. This way they can still get to know the environment well. At the end of the week Ton and Marijke are still just as enthusiastic, only they don’t like it. “This is not due to the plot, but to the development and how long it will take. Too long.” Marijke also thinks a two-year waiting period for this new-build home is too long. “We want to have a nice barbecue in that garden with the children and grandchildren now and not for two years.”

Reactions from viewers ‘For the same money’

Viewers understand the choice Ton and Marijke. In any case, they are glad that they did not choose the very first home. They think they earn more with their large budget. The viewers are in fact shocked by the gigantic price of the house in Boskoop. ‘Eight tons for that!? Crazy!” one wrote on Twitter. Another responds with: ‘Almost a ‘normal’ single-family home, with a postage stamp garden… and that for eight tons.’

Source: For the same moneyTwitter

July 6, 2022
