Viewers advise how to make the Hangaillan series better

The Finnish version of På spåret, which started a week ago, got a full face. The creators of the Hengaillan program had to quickly remind the viewers about good manners and that no one should be bullied.

However, the statement asked for substantive feedback and criticism that will help make better television. So what would viewers change about the show?

Series of public Hanging out in the evenings Facebook site basis, there are a few development targets. A Mikael for example, hoping for a style change. It also involves Erkin request.

– Stop cursing and making faces.

Riku Rantala will be seen as a judge alongside Jenni Poikelus. Over

Ollie, Irmeli and others believe in other kinds of questions.

– The questions probably need to be made easier, too Ingrid doubts.

From Tiina the solution could be to leave celebrities out of the game altogether.

– Would it be worthwhile to have ordinary viewers compete, as in some programs? he asks on Fb.

Timo in turn suggests that the contestants – whoever they are – should prepare for the live broadcast in a very special way.

– Force the future contestants to watch a couple of På spåret production seasons, so they can get the gist of what a good quiz program contains.

Piia Pasanen (pictured) and Kirsi Alm-Siira are competing in this evening’s live broadcast in the team of news anchors. Pete Anikari

The blue one in my opinion, the neighboring country could take more of a model. Live broadcast of him has its own challenges.

– In Sweden, the program has been recorded, and the unnecessary nonsense has been cut out, he knows.

If you could reduce the jokes that are considered useless, you could Jenni’s also to reconsider the program time. Is 75 minutes too long?

– Blah, slow-paced program. A tighter 45 minutes could work better.

Sami Sykkö is boarding the train today with his teammate Lotta Backlund. ATTE KAJOVA

And then there’s of course Sannin, Mian, Maid, Tarjan, I am and an issue with partners that will hopefully be fixed soonest: the functionality of the home game app.

– The app didn’t work, Anu amount.

Let’s hang out today on TV1 at 21:00. See all TV programs and broadcast times in Telku’s TV guide.
