View tip! In this program we see how the terminally ill Francis is doing

In January we were able to see the Zoetermeerse Francis (33) in the ninth season of the television program Over My Body. In the series she told that she is terminally ill and what her life has been like since she found out. She also hoped to live to be at least 35 years old. Fortunately, she is still alive, and can be seen on TV in the follow-up series Over My Corpse – de Reunion.

Francis Pattiruhu has a rare blood disease and a rapidly growing brain tumor. She doesn’t get any better, but she still tries to get the most out of life. On her wish list was a dog and making beautiful trips. Both succeeded: Labrador Lola became her new housemate and last summer she traveled to Bonaire with her parents.

Looking back at last year

In the eight-part series Over My Body – the Reunion you see guests, relatives and participants who are and are no longer alive. Together with presenter Tim Hofman, they look back on the past year and what has happened in the meantime. Francis tells, among other things, that her brain tumor is stable, but that she suffers a lot from her blood disease.

The series ‘Over My Body – the Reunion’ can be seen every week at BNNVARA from Friday 14 October on NPO Start.

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