Vieri ambassador to Paris, between food, Serie A and the national team

The former blue bomber ambassador of the Serie A League at the International Food Exhibition: “Italian companies should exploit the visibility of our league to make themselves known”

He moves from one stand to another as he once dribbled opponents, but perhaps to avoid letting himself be tempted by the many delicacies on display. Between selfies and a few jokes, Bobo Vieri was passing this afternoon at Sial, the international food exhibition in Paris, as ambassador of the Serie A League. Our football is in fact allied with the Ice Agency for foreign trade which supports more of 700 agri-food companies in the Italian Pavilion: “Because our championship – explains the former bomber – is increasingly contested and an important showcase that drives the whole country”.


The combination was therefore natural, especially in France, the second outlet for our agri-food exports which invoices a total of 52.8 billion euros, 10% of the total. Numbers remembered by Carlo Ferri, president of the Ice, present with Ambassador Emanuela d’Alessandro, for the ribbon cutting of the BeIT pavilion. And with them also Vieri who explains: “Italian companies can exploit the visibility of football to make themselves known, also because our league is increasingly exciting. It is now much more leveled and therefore contested. It is no longer like ten years ago when after about fifteen games you could already know how it was going to end “.


And the effects go beyond the playing field: “This suspense – continues the former striker – allows to increase interest not only for the fans, but also for investors. And in fact, new foreign owners are arriving, many Americans who have understood that important things can be done with us. Starting with the stadiums: ours are among the oldest. Instead we have to make new ones also to host the Champions and Europa League finals, to obtain more easily the organization of major events such as Europeans and World Cup, with all that it can bring as induced “.


However, there remains the stain of the second World Cup in a row missed by the Azzurri. “A disaster of image – admits the former Italy striker – and not only. As a child when I watched the World Cup on TV I recognized three jerseys: the yellow of Brazil, the white of Germany and the blue of our national team. He comes out of this crisis by focusing on the best young players and continuing to trust Mancini as coach, because maybe we can’t win every time, but Italy must always go to the World Cup. ”We’ll talk about it again for 2026.
