VIDEOS: “Chirolita” and “Reina Polenta”, the spiciest of Luli Ofman

in the best style Tato Bores and Enrique Pintithe tiktoker Luli Ofman (23) resorts to the satirization of politics and the speed of his verbiage when performing his monologues. And one of the things that differentiates them from these great Argentine comedians is the limited time that they impose on them. tiktok, and that the young future political scientist knows how to make the most of it.

Her skill and humor made her a network phenomenon, to the point that, faced with the need to attract a younger audience, Ofman was summoned by TN (Grupo Clarín’s news channel) and soon it will be developing its contents for the media’s social networks.

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In 60 seconds, the young woman turns her thoughts using nicknames that I create to identify the politicians and policies that their followers, increasingly, adopt when referring to each of them.

“Chirolita” is the nickname with which he refers to the president Alberto Fernandez“Massa Pancake”, is the current super minister of economy Serge Massa; “Maximus Fortnite” is Maximo Kirchner and “Queen Polenta”, the vice president Cristina Kirchner.

Watch the video “The Polenta Queen vs. Chirolita – Luli Ofman”

“I started in the pandemic in 2020. Before, I made other types of videos: dances, comedy… But there came a time when I felt very tired of what we were experiencing. So much teasing and double talk and double standards! Ofman explained in an interview with TN. And it was then, according to his account, that she turned to political content. And, clearly, the change was much better than she herself would have imagined.

Watch the video about the draw for the trip to Qatar for the mayor of Rio Gallegos

Luli is a student of Political Science at the UBA and soon you will be able to see her monologues on the platforms of the Clarin News channel.

by RN

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