Videos about farts and other slapstick

As is well known, the Depp vs. Heard trial is broadcast on the US broadcaster Court TV or the YouTube channel “Law & Order Crime Network” in even the most banal detail. Today’s day of negotiations (May 16) starts at 9 a.m. Eastern Time, i.e. at 3 p.m. Central European Time. In the follow-up to these recordings, not only interrogations or taking of evidence become the subject, but also much less meaningful scenes.

For example, the video recording of Georgina “Gina” Deuters, a longtime friend of Depp and wife of Depp’s employee Stephen Deuters. Depp’s attorneys called her to the witness stand to exonerate the actor based on various observations of his peacefulness that she had over the years.

The remarkable part of her speech, however, took place near the end of her testimony, when the judge dismissed her from the witness stand and expunged her testimony from the record. She admitted to watching previous clips of the trial online.

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And then her digestive tract reported. When asked about arnica cream to reduce swelling (following a fight between Depp and Heard) after about 18 minutes of questioning, Deuters shifted in her seat, looking startled, and then said, “Oops, sorry, that was me !“

Even the fact-checking channel “Snopes” devoted itself to this case and, after a thorough examination, diagnosed: “Your actions resembled a person who just farted. But we don’t have enough evidence to say conclusively that this really happened. What is certain, however, is that the sound in the present clip has been improved in such a way that it allows for this interpretation.

The alleged “transparency” that the advocates of live transmissions from the courtroom repeatedly cite becomes a stupid farce here. A few extracted snippets of Johnny Depp’s laconic statements or from a digital witness interview from the car (with a few puffs on the e-cigarette) make the serious negotiation grotesque.
