VIDEO: This is how they raided the gang that brings pregnant Russians

staff of the Argentine Federal Police (PFA) raided the apartment of the woman who attended the russian pregnant who were detained in Ezeiza for detecting irregularities in their entry into the country. The Police had been investigating the case for more than a month and a half, carrying out various operations to dismantle an organization that, through illegal maneuvers, facilitated procedures so that the migrants could obtain Argentine documents. Of the 32 women the gang brought to the country, the police found only 2 in the homes they raided, and they suspect that the case may be related to a trafficking network.

The raid was carried out in Madero Portin two houses: one on the street Juana Manso and the rest in the street Azucena Villaflor, where the leaders resided. In both homes, technological elements such as notebooks, tablets, external storage units (USB drives), cell phones, personal documentation, immigration documentation, police certificates, money in foreign currency (Dollars – Euros) and national currency were seized.

The case was initiated as a result of a complaint in the Federal Crime Complaints Division, where irregularities were noticed in the entry of Russian citizens about to give birth in the country. Russian women were held in the Ezeiza International Airport, because they arrived without escorts despite being in an advanced state of their pregnancy. In addition, according to the authorities, “they set a return date but do not have a return ticket” and also, they had no money. These facts raised suspicions and led to the complaint.

From there the Federal Court No. 1, in charge of the judge Maria Romilda Servini de Cubría, the investigation began. The skills of cell phones and access to chats would be key to understanding the operation of the gang.

The investigators were able to identify the first line of this criminal organization, which he profited from russian families of high purchasing power, who to enter the country paid from 20,000 to 35,000 dollars, the entrance to the country, and they were assigned a hospital for the birth of their children. This case involved an international conflict, given that if the women’s children were born on Argentine soil, that would make them citizens, and from then on their mothers could request to stay in the country.

Through this business they could manage, with apocryphal documentation, filing procedures and Argentine citizenship in record time. the birth of their children and obtaining citizenshipit was with the sole purpose of being able to emigrate to other countries, such as Europe or the United States, since the Russian passport does not have the acceptance of entry into those countries.

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