VIDEO: The day that Sergio Massa asked that “all those who have a sentence, prisoners”

Despite the fact that the Minister of Economy Sergio Massa sent “all his solidarity” to Cristina Kirchner after he was sentenced by the Cause Roadonly three years ago, his gaze was in another direction: “all those who have a sentence, prisoners.”

In April 2019 Massa integrated the space Federal Alternative, which he would later leave to join the Frente de Todos as a candidate for deputy for the Province of Buenos Aires. Back then he was interviewed on the show “T.N. Central” by journalists Nicolás Wiñazki, Carolina Amoroso and Santiago Do Rego.

In that interview, Massa was forceful in his opinion about those convicted of corruption crimes: “They all have to go to jail. Everyone, everyone, there is no crown for anyone. All those who have a sentence, prisoners ”, sentenced the now Minister of Economy.

Wiñazki then asked: “And Cristina?”, to which Massa categorically replied: “Whoever has to go to jail. I have to put it in clear terms, Nicolás. What Argentina needs is that there is no crown for no one. ‘This president, the previous one, the next one’: whoever has to go to jail should go to jail”.

Even moments later Massa raised the imprescriptibility of corruption crimes“so that the one who goes through the public function can be judged until the day he dies and does not play with the times of justice.”

After the conviction of the vice president was known Cristina Kirchner for the Road Cause, 6 years in prison and perpetual disqualification from holding public office, the Minister of Economy tweeted: “An untenable failure that cuts the chain of responsibilities in search of political impact and with enormous legal precariousness… in days when the desire for a docile and rigged ruling class is starkly exposed. All my solidarity with @CFKArgentina”.

by RN

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