Video: Stock pension – How to have more money in old age

“The pension is secure” – this sentence comes from the 90s, from the mouth of the then Federal Labor Minister Norbert Blüm. Nowadays it is increasingly used ironically – because the demographic change brings the German pension system more and more totter. Pensions, many believe, are anything but secure in their current form. The federal government is now planning the share pension. You can find out what the model promises and how you can make private provisions in the video – watch now and have more money in old age!

Video: Stock pension - How to have more money in old age

If you as an investor want to get more out of your money, you should take a look at the YouTube channel of our advice editors.

There you will find answers to the most important investor questions: How does stock trading work? What are swap ETFs? Where are the best securities accounts? What do you have to pay attention to when investing? Subscribe to the YouTube channel now and never miss an important video again – this way you get more out of your money!

In the video you will learn what the basic idea of ​​stock rent is and how it is implemented in other countries. You will also receive 7 tips for private retirement provision. The team hopes you enjoy watching!

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