VIDEO Russian karter (15) denies Nazi salute on stage | Motorsport

The young driver won a race from the European karting championship in Portimão on Sunday. As the national anthem was being played, Severijukin hit his heart with his right fist, then briefly reached out with his right arm. The Russian then began to laugh loudly.

In a response, the boy says he is not aware of any harm. On Telegram, Severijukin said: ,,I want to apologize to everyone for what happened. On stage, I made a gesture that many perceived as a Nazi salute, but it wasn’t. I have never supported a regime that has committed one of the worst crimes against humanity.”

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The international motorsport federation FIA is not taking the matter lightly and has announced an investigation into Severijukin’s ‘unacceptable behaviour’. The Swedish kart team Ward Racing says it is ashamed of the driver’s action. The team leadership no longer wants to work with the Russian and is therefore going to terminate his contract. “We apologize to everyone who was hurt by this incident.”

His mother is said to have shouted on social media that he “sent hearts to his team”. The teenager rides on an Italian license and so the Italian national anthem was played for him in Portugal. Severijukin cannot drive under the Russian flag for the time being because of the sanctions against his country as a result of the war in Ukraine.
