VIDEO: Men rob Purmerender of ‘pepper time’ watch

The street robbery of yesterday morning at the Antwerp harbor in Purmerend was recorded by local residents. It can be seen how two young men hold a Purmerend at gunpoint, remove his watch from his wrist and run away with it.

As the man walks to his car, two armed young men approach him. While holding him at gunpoint, they remove his watch – allegedly a Rolex – from his wrist. Then they take off and run via the Tiranapad to the Helsinki harbor. According to the police, they probably got into a dark-colored car and drove away.

The victim suffered minor injuries in the robbery and was treated at the scene by paramedics. He says to Het Parool that it is the second time he has been robbed of a Rolex watch. The first time was about four months ago, although this robbery cuts even deeper. “These guys have nothing to lose, they just do it in broad daylight,” he told the newspaper.

Neighborhood combed out

In search of the perpetrators, officers in bulletproof vests combed the area immediately after the robbery. Without success, because the two are still on the run. According to the police, the perpetrators are both light-skinned and between 20 and 25 years old. As can be seen in the video, one of them was wearing black clothes and the other a gray jogging suit.

De Purmerender suspects that a meeting on Thursday evening in a cafe in Purmerend may have something to do with the robbery. In the cafe, a man expressed his admiration for the man’s watch. “A guy looked at my watch and said something like ‘wow man’. I don’t know if that has anything to do with it, but I didn’t feel good about it afterwards.”

He filed a complaint and was offered victim assistance.
