VIDEO Luis Tavares impresses with hard knockout during first edition Glory Rivals | Sport

Tavares already knocked his opponent down once in the first round. He also swept Kaouachi once. Something that is actually not allowed, but with his action he showed who is boss. In the second round the same image, now with some rotating techniques in between. Early in round three, Tavares ended Kaouachi’s tour of the ring. He knocked him down with a left uppercut.

Tavares last came into action in September 2021 during Glory78 in Rotterdam. He then settled on points with Brazilian Felipe Micheletti, who currently occupies third place behind him in the light heavyweight division. Artem Vakhitov is the current champion.

Tavares has had his sights set on the Glory light heavyweight title for some time now. He then also wants to take a shot at the championship belt of Rico Verhoeven, the king of heavyweight. The Rotterdammer with Cape Verdean roots was previously the title holder at Enfusion in the two heaviest divisions.

“I had to wait a long time for this party,” said Tavares, who recently saw several parties canceled for various reasons. “There was a lot of politics and bullshit going on behind the scenes. I am very happy that I was able to fight again and that I finished it today with a knockout. It went well, but I can do much better. Now I want a title fight. I had to wait way too long for that.”

Other parties

Jay Overmeer, Martin Terpstra and Regilio van den Ent opened the evening with three Dutch victories in a row. Their opponents, Brazil’s Rodreigo Mineiro, Turkey’s Muhammed Bali and England’s Joe Johnson, were each defeated by technical knockout. Sparks flew in the penultimate match between Ibrahim El Bouni, fighting for Morocco, and Surinamese Clyde Brunswijk. In the end, the former won on points.

Glory Rivals

The Glory Rivals events in Europe are organized by Enfusion, which partners with small, local organizations. The galas are divided into parts, with Glory acting as the namesake of the concluding part. The kickboxing organization supplies various fighters and in this way creates prestigious matches between its own toppers and stars of other organizations. Glory owns the media and television rights to the Rivals part, but is not involved with the organization. Enfusion organized its own event earlier in the evening: Enfusion108. Outside Europe we work together with Rise from Japan.
