Video: Invest like Warren Buffett with value investing – how to identify promising stocks

Warren Buffett’s investment strategies are relatively easy to implement for both stock market professionals and those new to the stock market — you can too Make a lot of money with value investing. In this video we show you step by step how value investing works, how Warren Buffett selects promising companies and which investment rules he observes. Using a concrete example, you will learn how to use a rule of thumb from Buffett’s teacher Benjamin Graham calculate the fair value of a share be able.

In this Buffett video You’ll also get 5 pro tips that made Warren Buffett one of the richest people in the world.

Watch the video now and find value stocks with Warren Buffett’s investment rules!

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Incidentally, in our Buffett video we also explain why you as an investor should sometimes swim against the tide and why you can increase your chances on the stock market in this way. The team hopes you enjoy watching!

Image Credits: Adam Jeffery/CNB/CNBCU/Photo Bank via Getty Images
