Video: Inflation – what you can do NOW against high inflation

Basically, the word “inflation” refers to the ongoing process of currency devaluation. The corona pandemic and the Ukraine war have pushed up inflation: consumers are now suffering from a loss of purchasing power, which means they are getting less goods for their money. You can find out which measures are effective against inflation and how investors should set up their portfolios in times of high inflation in our advice video – Take a look now and receive concrete investment recommendations!

Inflation: What you can do NOW about high inflation

If you as an investor want to get more out of your money, you should take a look at the YouTube channel of our advice editors.

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In this video we explain the most important terms related to inflation. We will also introduce you to the three basic principles of investing and show why investments in real assets are particularly useful in these times. The team hopes you enjoy watching!

Image Sources: Rehab Mark /
