VIDEO: Gabriela Cerruti crossed a journalist for the “Big Brother” scandal

The CNN journalist Ignacio Grimaldi had a tense exchange with the presidential spokeswoman Gabriela Ceruti during a press conference. Grimaldi asked the spokeswoman why he had tweeted so much about the controversy unleashed by the statements of a participant of the reality show “Big Brother” about the president. Alberto Fernandez and, on the other hand, had not commented on the budget reduction for areas related to child poverty, proposed by the government in the 2023 budget. “I don’t know how long it takes you to tweet. I think it must have taken me five minutes. I’m a journalist and I write fast. In addition, one can tweet from the phone while doing other things, so it seems to me that it is a question that has neither head nor tail, “the spokeswoman answered.

As stated by the journalistCerruti had made “27 tweets” defending Alberto Fernandez of the accusations of Alphaa participant of “Big Brother” who claimed to “know very well” the president. “I have known him for 35 years. Alberto Fernández bribed me a lot of times, ”Alfa had said, who is dedicated to the purchase, sale and repair of collector cars.

After the sayings Gabriela Ceruti He launched his tweet, where he assured that Alberto Fernández “has no information about this person nor does he remember having met her.” He also stressed that the president “was never involved in acts of corruption” and that “he has made transparency a central purpose of his management in public office.” “We cannot naturalize that someone expresses himself lightly in such a way that he only seeks to defame and discredit him,” said Cerruti, who asked both Telefe, as well as the production of Big Brother and Alfa itself, “to retract and cease this offensive attitude. In addition to this, the president’s lawyer, Gregory Dalbon, warned that it would initiate “civil actions” against Telefe if the channel did not retract. From the channel they affirm that Telefe never put Alfa’s comments on the air, but that it was something transmitted through the Pluto TV platform. In addition, they assure that those images were not even shown on the channel’s newscasts, and that the presidential spokeswoman was aware of this before speaking on the subject on Twitter.

But at the same time that the scandal occupied the media and the networks, the Budget 2023 in the commission of Budget and Treasury of the Chamber of Deputiesto which Grimaldi referred in his questions to Cerruti during the conference.

The CNN journalist, after pointing out that the spokeswoman had dedicated “27 tweets” to the Big Brother scandal, cited a UNICEF report that, as he explained, “reported the reduction in the budget items that the government intends and that it overturned in the 2023 budget for a sensitive area, such as Children and Adolescents”.

“This is also reported by the Congressional budget office, which speaks of a reduction for this area of ​​11.7% in real terms. The UNICEF report is more specific and speaks of ‘reduction of funds for food policies for minors’: there the number is 25% in real terms,” ​​explained Grimaldi, who asked the spokeswoman why they spent so much time on it. to the Big Brother scandal and the reason for the reduction of the budget to such a “sensitive” area.

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