Video: Find the best dividend stock – how it works: Interview with stock professional Torsten Tiedt

Especially in uncertain times, dividend stocks are a reliable source of returns in the securities portfolio. Torsten Tiedt explains how you too can diversify your portfolio with dividend stocks and invest in high-yield investments. He is the founder of, author, influencer and expert on quality stocks. He also tells you what investors need to look out for when choosing stocks and especially when choosing dividend stocks – Watch now and get specific stock tips!

Video: Find the best dividend stock - how it works: Interview with stock professional Torsten Tiedt

If you as an investor want to get more out of your money, you should take a look at the YouTube channel of our advice editors.

There you will find answers to the most important investor questions: How does stock trading work? What are swap ETFs? Where are the best securities accounts? What do you have to pay attention to when investing? Subscribe to the YouTube channel now and never miss an important video again – this way you get more out of your money!

In this video we explain why dividend stocks are particularly worthwhile as investments. You’ll also learn how to find stocks with particularly high payouts to reap profits even in bear markets. The team hopes you enjoy watching!

Image Sources: Monster Ztudio /
