VIDEO: Environmentalists attack works of art, vandalism or protest?

The protests against climate change and pollution through the vandalization of works of art are growing more and more. Recently two protesters, Phoebe Plummer (21) and Anna Holland (20)from the environmental organization Just Stop Oilthey threw tomato soup on the world-renowned box of Vincent Van Gogh, “The Sunflowers” (1888)exposed in the National Gallery of London.

The moment of the attack on works by Vang Gogh:

“Is art worth more than life? More than food? More than justice? The cost of living crisis and the climate crisis is fueled by oil and gas,” the activists proclaimed, after gluing themselves to the wall on which the artwork was displayed, which did not prevent the police from taking them. stop.

From Just Stop Oil they say that with these facts they seek to raise awareness about the potential risks of the measures related to gas and oil promoted by the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Liz Truss. It happens that shortly after taking office, the president decided to reduce taxes on profits from oil companies, which had been set to finance measures that would reduce the energy bill. And she also announced the lifting of a moratorium on hydraulic fracturing, a method of extracting fossil fuels that has been highly questioned and that until now had been prohibited in her country.

But this is not the first act of vandalism on works of art with environmental reasons. Earlier this month, two activists from Extinction Rebellion they stuck their hand to the picture Pablo Picasso “Massacre in Korea” (1951), exposed in a melbourne museum, Australiaclaiming the climate crisis, displaying a banner that read: “Climate chaos = war + famine”.

Militants of Extinction Rebellion stick to “Massacre in Korea”, by Picasso.

“Climate collapse will mean an increase in conflicts around the world. Now is the time for each and every institution to stand up to act!” the environmental group posted on its Facebook page.

A few months ago, Just Stop Oil had staged another hit at the art gallery in Glasgow, Scotland, and the one in Manchester, with activists sticking to the paintings of Turner Y Van Gogh. And they had also vandalized the sample of the painting “The Last Supper” of Leonardo da Vinci.

Just Stop Oil

At the end of May, in the Louvre Museuma man in disguise who was traveling in a wheelchair threw a cake at him “The Mona Lisa”the iconic painting of DaVinci, one of the most expensive in the world. And then he shouted: “Think about the earth, there are people who are destroying the earth. All artists think about the earth. That’s why I did that.”


Although the acts committed against the works caused great commotion in the media, none suffered permanent damage thanks to the fact that they are protected by security glass.

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