VIDEO Disoriented boxer fights invisible challenger after striking blow | Sport

His opponent Siphesihle Mntungwa parted just before he lost his balance and through the ropes out of the ring a good left hit the side of Buthelezi’s face. When Mntungwa stood up for a few seconds and the referee signaled to resume the match, things went completely wrong.

Buthelezi did not run towards his opponent, but went in a different direction and struck in the void at an invisible opponent. The referee quickly realized that Buthelezi had completely lost his orientation and stopped the match so that the boxer could be medically assisted. It is now known that Buthelezi is in a stable condition. In the coming days, an investigation will be conducted into what exactly led to this scary situation.

Mntungwa was declared the winner of the game, but the WBF organization decided to postpone the belt ceremony for the boxer due to the events.

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