Victoria Beckham, on social networks a rare photo with her sister

Zia, niece and sister. Here is the unprecedented trio that has appeared on the social profiles of Victoria Beckham. The former spice girl shared one of the Instagram Stories photo together with younger sister Louise and granddaughter Tallulah May. It is a rare photo: in fact, the former singer hardly shares images in which he appears in the company of his sister.

Victoria Beckham with her sister and niece

The occasion to take the photo was the twentieth birthday of Tallulah May, daughter of Louise.

(Photo Instagram Stories @louisesadams)

He was also present at the party aunt Victoria, who wanted to share a moment of the party with her niece and sister on social media. «Happy birthday Tallulah May. We love you so much »the words shared on social networks by the former singer.

The photo with his sister

On VB’s Instagram profile there are lots of pictures of the four children and husband David Beckham. But very few of her from her family of origin. That’s why this photo with her sister Louise is so precious.

An exception was made on her mother’s birthday, when the former spice shared a snapshot of the two sisters as children next to their mom. A journey into the past, ironically commented by the entrepreneur: “How pretty was I?”.

Victoria Beckham and the double party in Miami for her 47 years

Victoria Beckham and the double party in Miami for her 47 years

Louise Adams, Victoria Beckham’s younger sister

here she is Louise Adams, younger sister of the more famous Victoria. He is two years younger than the former singer. The similarity between the two sisters is extraordinary.

Even in the last shared shot, the facial features and the facial expression are very similar. Louise is very fond of her older sister. Indeed, she loves to post several photos of her together with her sister Victoria on her Instagram profile. Instead, she reserves only important occasions for the shots between sisters

