Victims of The Voice of Holland want a conversation with top British ITV | show

The victims of The Voice of Holland want to talk to the board of directors of the British company ITV. They want this in response to the report published last week about the external investigation into the alleged abuses in the program, victim lawyer Sébas Diekstra told the ANP. The victims no longer have ‘no confidence’ in the management of the Dutch branch, which produced RTL 4’s talent show.

Commissioned by ITV, law firm Van Doorne investigated alleged transgressive behavior behind the scenes of The Voiceafter a broadcast of the online program Angry of January 2022. In the summary of the investigation report shared last week, the office reports that there several instances of ‘inappropriate behaviour’ have taken place at the talent show, but that nothing seems to have been done with the reports to managers.

The victims already announced via Diekstra last week that they believe that the responsible Dutch management team must resign, but now also want to talk to the British top. If the board of directors accepts the invitation, they will also go there to talk, says Diekstra.

Lisa Perrin, Managing Director International Production at ITV Studios, last week apologized ‘to anyone who has engaged in any form of inappropriate behavior around the making of The Voice of Holland has experienced’. She also said that ‘complaints of inappropriate behaviour’ have not been ‘referred to ITV management in London’.

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