Victim Winston Gerschtanowitz escapes serious eye damage

The clip of Winston Gerschtanowitz exploding a confetti cannon in a woman’s face leads to hilarity, but his victim escapes very serious eye damage.

© SBS 6

Winston Gerschtanowitz always presents a prize to a viewer at home at the end of the Miljoenenjacht broadcast and this time he ended up with a lady who fell victim to his clumsiness. The presenter was fumbling so much with everything he had in his hands that at one point his confetti cannon went off in her face.

Confetti damage

The woman was very shocked, but said everything went well. However, that could have ended very differently. Confetti may contain sharp objects that can cause eye damage if shot at high speed toward someone’s eyes. This can range from mild irritation to more serious damage, such as scratches to the cornea.

In fact, in the Rotterdam Eye Hospital alone, six people were operated on in 2021 for eye damage caused by confetti cannons. You can buy them for a few euros at stores like Action. “The impact and impact can cause major damage to the cornea,” says ophthalmologist Caroline Klaver. RTL News.

Bleeding eye

The now 18-year-old Tijl Kok from Veldhoven also suffered permanent eye damage from a confetti cannon eight years ago, he tells RTL. He has to live with an artificial lens. “The person holding the confetti cannon was standing 1.5 meters away. The pressure of the confetti cannon probably caused my right eye to go in and then out again.”

Winston and SBS 6 appear to have escaped very bloody live images. “My eye immediately started bleeding and I couldn’t see anything anymore,” Tijl explains. “That was very scary. Fortunately I was able to remain quite calm.”

One second

You may wonder how it is possible that the makers of Miljoenenjacht do not have a confetti protocol if such a cannon is a potential injury machine. They treat this explosive party material very lightly.

In the RTL article, the young Tijl calls on people to exercise caution: “Your eyes are super important and valuable. I hope people are really careful; it can go wrong in a second with a champagne cork or party popper.”


Winston’s fragment goes viral:
