Victim support after traffic drama in Oud Gastel: that’s how it works

A traffic drama such as Friday evening in Oud Gastel has a huge impact on relatives, eyewitnesses and emergency services. Victim Support is called in to help with the processing of a serious event.

Two young children and two mothers were killed in the traffic drama in Oud Gastel on Friday evening. A third child in the car was injured. Omroep Brabant spoke with Serita on Saturday. She saw the accident happen before her eyes and also receives help from Victim Support.

Stress complaints, re-experiences and bad food
Victim support comes into action after an incident because they know which problems can arise at a later time. Stress complaints, re-experiences, bad food and speaking quickly can be consequences of experiencing and/or seeing a violent event. “What we do after an incident is talk to those involved and explain what can still happen later. This provides a kind of reassurance for many if they really do get these complaints afterwards. They then know that they don’t have to panic. touch,” explains Roy Heerkens of Victim Support Netherlands.

The Victim Support experts monitor the people who knock on their door for help for a period of about six weeks. In about 20 percent of the cases, the complaints do not subside within that period. Then the doctor comes into the picture. “A GP knows people and their medical background better. Sometimes those involved have to be referred to a psychologist. Only the GP can do that,” says Heerkens.

The two children who died in the drama in Oud Gastel were at primary school ‘t Bossche Hart, but they would start at a school in Roosendaal next Monday. It is quite conceivable that Victim Support will also be called in at school. Because this concerns young children, Victim Support works in a different way. They do not talk directly with the children, but with the parents and teachers.

“Research has shown that it is better for children to have a conversation with a trusted face, such as the parents or a teacher. We often talk in advance with the teacher team when we are present at school. In addition, we also walk around the school if parents want to talk to us,” says Heerkens.

The consequences for children can also be different. It is possible that the development of a child temporarily stops. “If a child had just stopped wetting the bed, it may come back. A child may want to sleep in bed with mom and dad again. Allow this,” Heerkens explains. In addition, it is important for the child to maintain their rhythm. “If you go to hockey or football, keep doing that and don’t suddenly get them out of their rhythm. Keeping the normal structure as much as possible is best.”
