Vicious CNN: famous TV channel is shaken by scandals

“World-class scoundrel has been distorting the true news for too long.” Donald Trump gave such a very emotional characterization to Jeff Zucker, now the former president CNN channelwho retired due to an office romance.

He was secretly in a relationship with a high-ranking colleague, the director of marketing. Now they publicly express their regrets: they say, it was worth talking about a long-term relationship and, accordingly, about systematic violations of corporate etiquette a long time ago.

However, an important nuance: both violated, as they themselves admitted, mutually and voluntarily. However, if Zucker leaves, then his mistress remains. You can probably consider this another manifestation of double standards in such media. But in general, here, perhaps, one more remark of the same Donald Trump is very handy.

Like, the current scandal around his personal life has become only a formal reason for the dismissal of the head of CNN. But in fact, he paid with his position for flagrant incompetence. Which indeed, apparently, is quite similar to the truth. After all, the ratings of liberal propagandists are not very good now.

“That young lady with whom Jeff Zucker had an affair was the former communications director for New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. That is, there is such a direct interweaving of all these intrigues. Andrew Cuomo was demolished, he is no longer the governor of New York, there he was also allegations of harassment“, – said Malek Dudakov, a political scientist.

His brother Chris Cuomo helped the New York ex-governor get out, but it didn’t work. Chris hosted a news analytics show on CNN, and Zucker recently fired him. Just for this “fraternal” help. So maybe now the “answer” has arrived to the former boss – through Allison Gollust? All this was the subject of an investigation – and, apparently, not the last one in the editorial office.

“Another channel host, Don Lemon, is accused of molesting a man in a bar, well, he is openly gay, but the problem was that he somehow ugly molested,” recalls Malek Dudakov.

There are also enough scandals around CNN’s information policy. In 2019, there were publications in the States that the channel was spreading fakes about alleged Russian participation in the American elections. Jeff Zucker called our country a “hostile nation.”

And last fall, CNN directly accused the RT channel of the notorious “intervention”. Zucker’s employees frantically searched for the “Russian trace”. And now the channel is drowned by their own dirty secrets.

“Tomorrow one thing will be revealed, then another will be revealed, then it will become clear who is who and with whom… It has nothing to do with journalism and has nothing to do with professionalism,” said Rafael Ordukhanyan, an American political scientist.

Two producers of CNN are accused of pedophilia and seduction of minors. According to rumors, one of them, by the name of Griffin, seduced at least five girls, and paid their parents for getting to know their daughters. Against the backdrop of all this, the rating of Biden’s party mouthpiece fell by ninety percent.

“This is the main propaganda organ of the Democratic Party. Can CNN be closed? Any other company in this situation would be declared bankrupt and closed, right? Yes! But CNN will not be closed, because the Democratic Party will not allow it to fail! Because this will mean the failure of the Democrats” , says John Varoli, political commentator.

The main airs of CNN leading Anderson Cooper gather only 560 thousand viewers in prime time. Given that a “stable” level in the United States is considered an audience of three to four million. The channel is trying to return the viewer. Prospects are not very good.

“CNN plans to launch a new streaming service in the spring. A lot of time and attention has been spent on it. This is the brainchild of Jeff, so the resignation came at an unfavorable moment for him,” adds David Bauder, a journalist for the agency Associated Press.

In place of Zucker, Mike Bass was temporarily taken – this is a kind of “apparatchik” from NBC. And the serious media executives at CNN don’t seem to be in a hurry. Maybe they don’t want to get dirty?


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