Vicenza, killed Davide Rebellin: the German pirate truck driver in immediate judgment

Wolfgang Rieke, a 63-year-old who ran over Davide with his truck, will have to answer to the crime of road homicide with the aggravating circumstance of escape

For the Rebellin family, the moment of justice is approaching. A few weeks after the first anniversary of Davide’s death, hit by a German truck driver while he was training on his racing bike, the judge of the Vicenza Court Nicolò Gianesini ordered immediate judgment for Wolfgang Rieke, the 63-year-old German truck driver.

immediate judgement

Currently detained at the Vicenza prison, Rieke will have to appear before Judge Giulia Poi on November 24, 2024 at 9:15 am. The accused will have to respond to the crime of vehicular homicide with the aggravating circumstance of escape. On November 30, 2022, Rebellin was training in Montebello Vicentino. While crossing a roundabout he was hit by a truck which caused his death. Then Rieke escaped without assisting Rebellin.
