VI star Merel Ek even receives support from Mark Rutte after a bizarre attack

Today Inside star Merel Ek even receives support from Prime Minister Mark Rutte after the bizarre attack from Forum for Democracy. “FvD has reached a new low today.”

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Hart van Nederland reporter Merel Ek caused hilarity in Today Inside by interviewing FvD MP Gideon van Meijeren apparently clamped. His party is constantly juggling with words, but does blame Johan Derksen for slipping when he ‘called’ for Thierry Baudet to be ‘liquidated’.

Blackbird intimidated

Merel asked Gideon during an interview last week whether he is aware that ‘liquidate’ has several meanings in the Van Dale, including ‘being sent away’. However, that meaning does not appear in the Van Dale, but similar meanings are found in other dictionaries.

Now Merel is accused by Gideon of having spread ‘fake news’. In a movie titled ‘Sewer Rats Unmasked’ he walks through the corridors in the House of Representatives where the journalists sit (“there is an incredible sewage smell here”), after which he confronts Merel with a rotating camera.

Journalists angry

Journalists and politicians react angrily to this intimidating move by Gideon. Lamyae Aharouay, political reporter for NRC: “FvD knows very well what happens when you compare journalists with ‘sewer rats’ and then pick one with a name and a photo. The reactions on YouTube and Instagram show how people are getting on with it. This is not okay.”

Volkskrant columnist Sander Schimmelpenninck: “What a horrible intimidation from that FVD scum. Everyone knows what’s happening here, everyone knows what shit Merel has to deal with now. Just because she was quick and put that conspiracy mortal to his name. The fascist is recognized by the pettiness and lack of humor.”

no bullshit

Today Inside colleague Raymond Mens: “Merel Ek is one of the best journalists in The Hague – a sharp go-getter who does not accept bullshit. The fact that Forum is now attacking her only underlines that.”

Telegraaf columnist Nausicaa Marbe: “The filthiest member of the incendiary, violence-glorifying, Kremlin-disinformation-propagating Forum attacks a journalist who kindly and politely admits a minor language error, after which she is still thrown in front of Forumgajes as a ‘sewer rat.'”

Nieuwsuur correspondent Arjan Noorlander: “Within the press guidelines -and with his permission- Ek interviewed Van Meijeren in the plenary hall. He then had her secretly filmed in her office and published it. If that is not punishable, or against the House Rules, it is at least intimidation.”

no decency

Telegraaf wife Elif Isitman: “The action of Thierry’s bottom bitch towards Merel Ek and the press in general is a rare mix of life-threatening, nauseating and intense, but really intensely sad. That whole set-up with ‘Sewer Rats’, secretly filming intern, and jolly jokes about sewage smell in the press corridor. Those guys know damn well what they’re doing.”

EenVandaag star Lammert de Bruin: “You only intimidate journalists if you have things to hide that can’t stand the daylight and you don’t have an ounce of decency in your ass. The fact that we sometimes descend into the FVD sewer does not make us the sewer rat. Good luck, Merel Ek. And this was the last thing I tweeted about Baudet or FVD.”

Mark Rutte

As icing on the cake, even Prime Minister Mark Rutte is making himself heard. “FvD has reached a new low today. In a democracy, journalists should be able to do their job without being discredited.”

Merel’s response:


And an excerpt from Humberto Tan’s talk show:
