VI screams about the wrongdoing

How incredibly humiliating for Gordon: never in his career has he been laughed at so much as he was last night in Today Inside. The reason? His crazy performance. “Amateur!”


Gordon will probably be back on his feet again: he was horribly attacked last night in Today Inside, the most watched talk show in the Netherlands. The entertainer did not exactly sound pure when presenting his new album and that led to hilarity at VI. “Do we have a piece of it?” begins table guest Albert Verlinde.

Old-fashioned false

Yes, the director of VI already has it ready. A painful one is chosen split screen: on the right the false performance of Gordon singing a song about our capital, on the left the VI stars who laugh at him. So painful. “Amsterdam already has Halsema, this will be added again. Hahaha,” screams Albert, who is finally out of tune again.

Johan Derksen is shocked: “Wilfred, this is even worse than Frank Boeijen.”

And René van der Gijp: “Yes, no, this includes René le Blanc Frank Sinatra. Hahahaha.”


The provocative Wilfred then starts a fragment of the legendary out-of-tune singing duo Mia & Dion. Albert: “Yes, it reminds me of this!”

René screeches: “Show me a little bit again. The beginning! Hahaha. If you stand in front of HEMA, you will be sent away! Hahahaha! When you sing like that!”

Albert: “Hahaha. But still… I’m a theater guy, I’m an entertainment guy. This is amateurism, isn’t it? That you are working towards a comeback, that you are making an album… This is your moment. You have to do this right!”

‘Do not do this!’

Johan does not understand Gordon’s environment. “But Albert, he has a producer and musicians who hear him sing that, right? Shouldn’t they say: ‘You shouldn’t do this’?”

Albert: “I think his CD was made possible by Beter Horen, don’t you think?”

Well, it’s clear that the men at the table have absolutely no compassion for Gordon. Albert: “Yes, but then you shouldn’t bark at everyone. The phone will ring again soon.”

Angry Gordon

Is Gordon going to sue the men of VI now? René: “Does he take himself seriously, do you think?”

Albert: “Yes, dead serious. If he gets angry about this, then I think: you have been in programs such as Idols and X Factor. Gordon, imagine that you are sitting here and on the other side there is a Gordon singing. Then he would do the same thing we are doing now! However?”

Johan: “He also makes a fool of himself when he says that it is sung excellently.”

‘You’re so deceitful!’

Albert is doing really well. “Couldn’t it be that new haircut hanging over his ears? That he can’t hear it anymore. Hahaha. That’s possible, right? Hahahaha.”

Wilfred screams: “Stop it man! You’re so out of tune tonight!”

Johan finishes: “Is he dating a pony these days or something?”

In any case, Gordon will prance like a pony after this broadcast. What a humiliation…
