VfL Wolfsburg | Felix Nmecha: Little brother in the fast lane

present at this point communion and sport.de a player every week who runs under the radar, has a very good price-performance ratio and could quickly increase his market value. Today with Felix Nmecha from VfL Wolfsburg.

market value: 970,000

Points: 7

Points per game: 1.0

That’s why Felix Nmecha is underestimated

At VfL Wolfsburg, Felix Nmecha is overshadowed by his brother Lukas, who is almost two years his senior and has since made it to the national team. There is a suspicion that Felix Nmecha was bagged from Manchester City to VfL in the summer of 2021 as an encore to the Nmecha deal. In his first Bundesliga season, 2021/22, Felix Nmecha only played 310 minutes, mostly short assignments from the bench.

The competition in attacking midfield is enormous among the wolves with names like Luca Waldschmidt, Maximilian Philipp, Josip Brekalo, Patrick Wimmer and Jonas Wind.

That’s what makes Felix Nmecha so strong

After only nine matchdays, Felix Nmecha has collected almost as many minutes as in the previous season in less than half of the appearances. That means: Nmecha is getting more and more playing time. He was only not used on match days 1 and 3. Last weekend he was in the starting XI for the first time and played through the full 90 minutes, was the Wolfsburg player with the best runs and still had two shots on goal.

Basically, Felix Nmecha is a strong player, who can play deadly passes with his technique, but also finishes himself. In Manchester City’s reserve, he scored 2 full 15 goals in 40 appearances in the Premier League and set up three more.

Felix Nmecha has this potential at VfL Wolfsburg

We certainly haven’t seen Felix Nmecha’s great potential yet. A point per game is still nothing where communionManagers start to freak out. But one thing is certain: anyone who has always been nominated for the English and German national teams in recent years (Nmecha is eligible to play for both associations) has a certain class. Nmecha is currently playing for the German U21s, where he has scored one goal in three appearances.

But the 22-year-old is also very popular with Niko Kovac. In order to get more match practice, Nmecha actually wanted to be loaned out in the summer, but Kovac put a stop to this plan. The result is more and more appearances for the “little Nmecha” in the Bundesliga. In the hierarchy at Wolfsburg he has now left Waldschmidt, Brekalo and Philipp behind when it comes to the all-important tenth position. There is currently more potential for an investment of less than a million communion hardly likely.

Carol Herrmann
