VfB Stuttgart | Club legend praises Serhou Guirassy: “Makes the difference”

It is not FC Bayern, Borussia Dortmund or Bayer Leverkusen that have scored the most goals this season in the Bundesliga so far, but rather VfB Stuttgart. Star striker Serhou Guirassy was primarily responsible for their whopping 14 goals after four match days, having already netted eight times. A VfB legend praises the goalscorer.

“Guirassy is the player who makes the difference and the decisive goals. It’s nice that VfB finally has a player again who guarantees you goals. I hope that he stays at VfB for a long time,” said 1990 world champion Guido Buchwald “Bild” about the 27-year-old, who has been in outstanding shape to date.

All eight of Guirassy’s shots at the opponent’s goal ended up in the goal. An outstanding form from the Guinean, who was already the best VfB snapper last season.

Guido Buchwald, who became German champions with VfB Stuttgart in 1984 and 1992, not only highlighted the Swabians’ top scorer, but also praised the collective performances of head coach Sebastian Hoeneß’s team: “You could already tell at the end of last season that there is a new team spirit and will to achieve the goals together.”

Guido Buchwald believes that VfB Stuttgart will definitely stay in the league

According to the 62-year-old’s assessment, VfB “will certainly have nothing to do with relegation” after its dream start to the new season with three wins from four games.

However, Buchwald warned at the same time to take one development step at a time and not to formulate overly ambitious goals for the season.

“VfB will certainly have nothing to do with relegation. If you achieved a place between nine and 13, that would be the first step in the right direction. It’s about small, stable steps that you can build on,” said the former defensive player.
