Vesa Vierikko immediately saw through Kalle Lamberg’s protection measure at Teatterikorkeakoulu

Kalle Lamberg tells Anna magazine that humor has always been a means of protection for him.

An actor known from TV Kalle Lamberg36, says In an interview with Anna magazine from his background as a child bullied at school. His parents divorced when he was six years old, and Lamberg stayed with his mother to live with his older brother and sister.

Kalle Lamberg specializes especially in comedy roles. Elle Laitila

Three years later, the family moved from Paimio to Turku and Lamberg had to change schools. Lamberg didn’t seem to fit in, and he received comments from his schoolmates about things like his clothes, his glasses, and the fact that he wasn’t interested in hockey.

He was able to poke fun at his bullies.

– I noticed that I have the gift of laughing. Some teachers think it’s a curse, though. When I couldn’t concentrate on Swedish pronouns, I started entertaining myself and others by joking, Lamberg tells Anna.

In middle school, Lamberg naturally took on the role of the class clown and gained popularity this way.

With words and humor, Lamberg has learned to get by since he was a child. When he got to study at Teatterikorkeakoulu, the school’s acting professor at the time, Vesa Vierikko, saw this in him. He asked the young man if he had been bullied as a child. Vierikko had noticed Lamberg’s constant readiness for defense and how he was constantly observing his surroundings and was always ready to throw a sharp joke.

– Humor has really been my defense since I was a child, Lamberg says in Anna’s interview.

Vesa Vierikko, who worked as a professor of acting at the University of Drama, made a precise observation about Kalle Lamberg. Pete Anikari

The man has ended up entertaining both on television, in movies and in the theater. He has been seen on TV, among other things at King’s and In Posse.

Source: Give it
