Vesa-Matti Loiria plays in the new movie Aku Sipola – this is how he looks in his role

The shooting of the new Spede film is underway in Helsinki.

Aku Sipola plays the role of Vesa-Matti Loir in the Spede movie. Pete Anikari

Of the deceased in 2001 Spede from Pasase a film is currently being made. In addition to Spede, the film’s protagonists include, among others Vesa-Matti Loiri, Simo Salminen and Ere Kokkonen.

Iltalehti visited the film’s press conference on Monday.

In the film, an actor plays the role of Spede Pasanen Riku Nieminen. Vesa-Matti, on the other hand, plays the role of Loir Aku Sipola.

This is what Aku Sipola looks like in the role of Vesa-Matti Loir’s most familiar character, Uuno Turhapuro. Vytautas Juozenas

In recent photos taken on the set of the film, the attention is especially drawn to the role of Sipola, who is very recognizable in his style reminiscent of Uuno Turhapuro.

The production company previously published a picture that shows how Riku Nieminen looks like in the film’s title role.

This is what Riku Nieminen looks like as Spede. Vytautas Juozénas

Simo Salminen will be seen in the film Mikko Töyssy and Ere Kokkosena Joonas Nordman. Spede’s wife is played by Pirjo Pasasta Minka Kuustonen.

This is what the characters in the new Spede movie look like. Vytautas Juozenas

The film is based on Tuomas Marjamäki to the one published in 2017 Spede, namely – to the book and to the book Uuno is number one – the whole story of Turhapuro.

The film is directed by Aleksi Delikouras and script Antti Heikkinen. The Spede film is produced by Yellow Film & for TV Olli Haikka and Marko Talli.

– Our film is not a traditional biographical film. This is a film about the innovative making of films by Spede Pasanen and his partners at the turn of the 1960s and 1970s, producer Marko Talli told Iltalehte earlier.
