Vesa-Matti Loiri rose to the top list of Spotify in Finland

Spotify users have remembered Loir.

Vesa-Matti Loirin the passing away has been remembered in many ways this week. One of them is, of course, listening to his music.

This can also be seen on the music streaming service Spotify, which has even five different Loir songs on the Finnish top 50 list.

Vesa-Matti Loir’s songs are currently being actively listened to. Jussi Eskola

The songs of Loir, who passed away on Wednesday at the age of 77, have been listened to tens of thousands of times, according to the daily updated list. Of the songs, the one sung with Samuli Edelmann currently has the most listens Condemned to passwhich is number 15 on the entire list. On number 22 is a classic summer of Laplandwhich was originally published in 1966.

Other Loir songs on the list are Grace, Good wood and Nocturne. In addition to his career as an actor, Loiri had a long career as a musician and his music has been published on more than 30 albums. Loiri is especially remembered as the interpreter of songs made from Eino Leino’s poems.

Loir’s most listened to song on Spotify has been performed with rapper Mikael Gabriel Modelwhich was released in 2019.

See and listen to Spotify’s Finnish top 50 list below or from here.
