Very true, the guests of Saturday 18th and Sunday 19th November

Among Silvia Toffanin’s other guests also Paolo Bonolis and Samantha Cristoforetti

Riccardo Cristilli

New weekend in the company of Silvia Toffanin and very true. In the double appointment, as always, interviews with well-known faces from Canale 5’s programming, but also with many entertainment and sports personalities who choose the salon of Silvia Toffanin to tell your story.

very real guests on Saturday 18 November

The episode of Saturday 18 November opens with the interview with Samantha Cristoforetti for the first time guest of Toffanin. The first Italian woman to walk in space and the first European woman to head the International Space Station will talk about the emotions she experienced in those moments, always trying to inspire new generations of astronauts. Then they will be in the studio Bobby Solo, historic exponent of Italian music, and actress Giuliana De Sio.

Directly from Big Brother will come to the studio Giselda Torresan, the worker passionate about the mountains who entertained and thrilled the public with her simplicity. And then from Bitter Earth Serpil Tamur will arrive who plays Azize, the “grandmother” of the soap broadcast every day in Italy on Canale 5.

the guests on Sunday 19th

The lineup of guests for the episode on Sunday 19 November was also rich. It will be Fabio Volo which presents his new novel, the thirteenth, entitled Everything is here for you. Then Paolo Bonolis which presents the new edition of the legendary Hi Darwin starting Friday on Canale 5. Who knows if he will also talk about his sentimental situation after the separation from Sonia Bruganelli. Dalila Di Lazzaro will instead give a harsh account of her life and the experience she has lived.

Finally, space for sport with Javier Zanetti, Inter champion and now vice-president of the Nerazzurri and Diletta Leotta, Aria’s new mother, a face linked to the world of football on DAZN where she hosts the pitchside spaces of the most important matches of the week.

All interviews by very true they are available on Mediaset Infinity where both Saturday and Sunday it is also possible to watch the episode live.
