Very Spanish and awarded | News

Kitchen *****

Service *****

setting *****

In the 12 years since its openingwithout fuss and with a firm step, The Burladero was consolidated as one of the best Spanish restaurants in Buenos Aires. It is not a subjective assessment: the full reservations at noon and night speak for themselves, something that apparently caught the attention of the Spanish embassywho last week awarded the quality seal “Restaurants from Spain”.

Is he first Argentine restaurant to receive this certificationvoted by a demanding jury made up of institutions linked to Spanish gastronomy, including the Royal Academy of Gastronomyhe Department of agricultureand the repsol guide. Or that the thing is serious.

In addition to the quality of the cuisine, in charge of Alejo Waisman, this distinction tries to promote the traceability of the product, that is, its origin. in the eagerness to do authentic Spanish Cuisine, El Burladero imports key ingredients for some preparations: octopus, squid, saffron, peppers, ham, rice, among others.

Beyond the classics, such as the potato tortilla, garlic shrimp, and oxtail, there are some gems on the menu that are worth trying. One of them is the cojonudo: a potato base with onion, on top of it sautéed squid and a grilled egg. Among the tortillas, an original option is the fideuá with prawns and among the croquettes, the ones with mushrooms are delicious. Obviously, they work with high-quality catch of the day, and there are several dishes designed to appreciate its freshness.

There are some local licenses that are celebrated by the public, such as the paella with rib eye aged 21 days (for anti-fish). There are also licenses among the desserts, but the Catalan cream, with the perfect sweetness and texture, takes all the laurels.

As the Spanish ambassador María Jesús Alonso said at the quality seal award ceremony: “Gastronomy is a much better embassy than, probably, an office in the middle of the city”. We couldn’t agree more: cooking is living culture.

In Pte. JE Uriburu 1488, Recoleta, CABA. Reservations at 11 3691-2717. From Monday to Sunday from 12 to 16 and from 19:30 to 00. @elburladerorestaurante. Average price: $10,000.

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