Very morning: much ado about nothing


Actress, comedian, singer, former vedette and theater director; Without a doubt, at 68 years old, Carmen Barbieri is a true woman of Argentine entertainment. Daughter of the famous comedian and actor, Alfredo Barbieri, she began her career in 1975, as
dancer in the revue theater, performing alongside her father. In an already extensive career there are numerous participations in plays, television programs and films where she worked with Osvaldo Pacheco, Jorge Porcel, Alberto Olmedo, Guillermo Francella, Enrique Pinti and Santiago Bal; with whom she married and they were the father of Federico, her only child.

But the jump to media popularity was only obtained in 1999, when she debuted as a television host, replacing Georgina Barbarossa, at the head of the very successful morning magazine “Movete” in America. She was so effective in that role that she continued to perform it for three consecutive seasons and it allowed her to win a Martín Fierro award in the category. Later, on the same channel, she returned to lead the cycles “Accomplices and Witnesses”, “Casa Infinity” and “El Diario de Carmen”, although they did not have the same impact among the audience.

Fully dedicated to her acting career, she was away from the small screen until in 2021 she returned to headline, daily and very early, the “Mañanísima” broadcast, on the Ciudad Magazine cable signal. Apparently, she achieved a good rating and a lot of media buzz for some of her comments or interviews. Perhaps that, plus the renewed interest that the morning segment generates for viewers, made Eltrece import it at the same time.

However, the transfer finds her surrounded by an unusual number of panelists and specialists. Namely, with a permanent presence Estefi Berardi, Diego Ramos, Majo Martino and Lucas Bertero, the cooks Alberto Martín and Santiago Del Azar (kitchen), while sporadic are those of the journalist Ricardo Canaletti in police, the doctor Guillermo
Capuya, the non-verbal language specialist Hugo Lescano, the psychologist Gabriel Cartañá, plus Soledad Solaro on the mobile.

Usually impulsive and possessed of brutal honesty, Barbieri likes to talk up a storm, if we add to that the enunciated chorus, with phrases, feelings and questions, it is very difficult to understand anything of everything that is said or addressed, especially any topic or news. In the century of visual supremacy, incontinent saying prevails here. Furthermore, with unjustified excesses such as tattooing live and without anesthesia. Much ado about nothing, Shakespeare would say.

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