Verwarde vrouw gevonden in Koninklijk Paleis: “Ze lay te slapen in bed” | Inland

The politics took place in the night of the day on Wednesday and was encountered in the Royal Palace in Brussels. This is the Paleis bevestigd aan VTM Nieuws. Volgens onze information lay de vrouw te slapen in a bed in one of the apartments in the building.

KIJK. VTM NIEUWS journalist Carl Theunis provides more details about the incident

The park in Brussels shows this to a 46-year-old Spanish woman who has been inducted. It will be discovered at 3 o’clock at night by the agents of the federal government, which will be charged with the protection of the Royal Palace in Brussels. The words spoken by Yasmina Vanoverschelde from the Brussels park are located in the krantengroep ‘Sudpresse’.

The woman will be administratively housed and opgenomen in a living room for observation. It is a procedure performed before the usual surgery in psychiatry.


It is not always possible to protect the eyes from the pales of the lines. “We onderzoeken hoe ze binnen is geraakt”, aldus still in the Brusselse parket.

The Royal Palace at the Warandepark in Brussels is the ambtswoning of one king. Private room with two stones in the castle of Laken.
