Verrassend wetenschappelijk onderzoek: ook olifanten blijken elkaar bij “naam” te ken | Wetenschap

Ok elephants can be seen in a “naam” way. This appears to be a never-ending phenomenon, reports sciencealert. As the results have been confirmed, some of the soldiers who – in navolging van de mens – are heretoe in the state.

Tuimelaars (een dolfijnensoort; nvdr) communicate in a gelijkaardige manner, maar imiteren daarbij de unieke series van fluitgeluiden. The system is still in one manner of naamgeving: the Liams and Olivia’s of the same world were never come and were ready for a sound. Olifanten lives now from the people who want to see them – the following.

Location frequentie

Olifanten was heard from the trumpet-sounding sounds, but they communicated beforehand via ‘gebrom’. The tonen raises a dusdanig location frequentie that is not loud for the men. Op die Manner kunnen dikhuiden dead op een afstand van zes kilometer met elkaar ‘praten’.

Handig the bijvoorbeeld de kudde niet uit het oog te lost when he had to be bred. Elkaar bij naam noemen, zou also an extra troef zijn.

625 grams

The team from gedragsecoloog Michael Pardo onderzocht in the association 625 grommen in two different locations in Kenya. An analysis of the various characteristics includes a machine learning algorithm in the correct state to ensure that the best results are achieved.

Olifanten moved quicker than his own name and gave also vlotter weerwoord. Sterker nog: various four-voeters used hetzelfde gegrom om zich dead dezelfde ontvanger te judge. Daaruit suffer den wetenschappers dus af dat olifanten elkaar ‘bij naam’ to know. The study is currently being peer-reviewed.
