Veronica Verho faced a nasty social media problem

Presenter Veronica Verho is struggling with her social media account.

Presenter Veronica Verho, 27, faced an everyday challenge. A social media influencer lost his Facebook password and has not been able to recover it after numerous attempts.

Verho created his Facebook account when he was 12, but for the past two years the password has been lost in the e-mail system. That’s why he had to create a new user account recently.

The old account has stored photos from over the years, which is why Verho would like the account back for himself. That is why he has tried to get help from his friends and followers in a situation that is familiar to many.

– I have tried everything and I have received tips. I’ve really been trying to open an account for two years, he commented.

– It would be nostalgic to return it.

Verho can access his old Facebook account only through his old phone, but the solution does not work. He wishes he could log into the account through another way, because he keeps in touch with his childhood friends on Facebook. The account also has a lot of memories, which is why it’s sad to lose it.

– Facebook is a wonderful social platform in that you can see what’s up with, for example, a childhood friend. I’m interested in how people are doing, he specifies the reason why he wants his old account back.

– That’s why I’ve thought about contacting a hacker to get my account back, Verho laughs.

Veronica has hosted several different TV programs in recent years. This year he hosted the Love Island Suomi series. Jenni Gästgivar
