Veronica Gottau | News

Verónica, how do you project your brand in the medium term?

I project myself 7 years from now. My niche is the middle managers of growing SMEs. My goal is to position myself in the market as a Boutique Consulting in the sense that I do not have a pre-assembled speech or predetermined solutions. My consulting service is nourished by each organizational culture and cultivates it.

What are your differentials in the field?

There are three differentials: the way of conceiving consulting, the way of carrying out consulting work and the theory on which I base my work.

Regarding the notion or conception of consulting, my great achievement was having been able to find my uniqueness, which is the fusion of my other two professions: qualitative research and teaching. This singularity basically consists of practicing consultancy as a space for reflection that allows us to think about the work what we do and from there generate our own knowledge. Unlike the generic knowledge that we acquire in a course, seminar or university, this knowledge is situated and is knowledge that arises from the same organizational culture.

The second differential refers to the form of exercise the consultancy. Here, too, my particularity is nourished by the fusion of tools of the research and teaching methodology. My years of experience as an educational researcher allow me to use resources that come from the observation and analysis of cases. For example, the development of a work method in terms of variables to study different problems, or the ability to clearly define my unit of analysis. In the same sense, my role as a guide or companion in this space for reflection, the axis of the consultancy, comes from my years of experience in the classroom. Knowing the process and the learning times, which are not always the same, I can evaluate when following up and see if the person is understanding the counseling proposal and can appropriate it. We know that the fact of saying something does not imply that it has been learned.

In the relationship we establish with the person being advised, I put my own sensitivity and that of the other at stake. We have verified that learning occurs when the client becomes emotionally involved with what he is thinking. Many times they tell meI realize that …”, in relation to issues that we have been working on, and that insight that learning implies happens when what we have worked on feels like our own. Here it would rather be an apprehend with H which, according to the RAE, means to apprehend or capture.

My third difference is that I take Elliot Jacques’ Required Organization Theory as a guide. This theory began to develop in the middle of the last century in the United Kingdom. One of his great contributions was to establish a parallelism between the organizational strata of a company, with ascending degrees of complexity -Theory of Stratified Systems- and the complexity of mental processes that refers to the mental processing capacity of people. In other words, the number of variables or level of uncertainty that we can tolerate must be related to the complexity that occurs as one ascends in the organizational strata, within which framework the middle managers of growing SMEs assume their task.

My boutique consulting service is the synthesis of my singularity and the uniqueness that derives from the fusion of my three professions: research, teaching and consulting, which nourish the various senses that I discovered in the practice of each one of them.

If you were starting over, what would you do differently?

There is something I learned and it is that nothing can happen outside of a bond. If I started again, I would start there, by focusing on the link that runs through all human endeavors and desires, fertile for any goal you set for yourself.

Contact information:

Cell: 549 11 34580089

Email: [email protected]





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