Verlinden about permanent mouth mask obligation in the cultural sector: “I don’t think it is an incredibly serious limitation” | Consultation committee

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The minister makes a distinction between activities where you can wear a mouth mask and activities where that is less feasible. “We have heard the question at the dance halls and discotheques that they finally want to open again after more than two years. It doesn’t make much sense to open it and ask to wear mouth masks. That is why it is possible without there,” says Verlinden.

See also: this has been decided by the Consultation Committee

The interior minister refutes that the culture sector is once again the victim of this decision. “I think a lot of people themselves are still cautious. People have a safe feeling by still wearing the mouth mask. I don’t think it is an incredibly severe restriction, if you look at it within the whole of the measures,” she says in the studio of ‘Het Journaal’.

The event sector reacted critically to the retention of the mouth mask obligation with a seated audience. “That decision is difficult to understand,” says Event Confederation, an umbrella organization. Mode Unie, the federation for the independent fashion retail trade, and the independent organization Unizo would prefer that mouth masks are no longer mandatory in the shops.


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