Verdwenen work of art by Banksy duikt op in Israël: “Ze hebben dit stolen van het Palestijnse volk” | Instagram VTM NIEUWS

“It is a rule of the people of Palestine,” says Jeries Qumsieh, a country in charge of the Ministry of Tourism. “It was a sign from an international art center for Palestine. You are overdrawing it and it is an illegal thing.”

The graffiti work of art was one of the vanishing works that Banksy made in 2007 on the concrete in Scheidingsmuur. That deed de kunstenaar telkens in the secret. Now the work at the Urban Gallery in Tel Aviv.

Koby Abergel, the Israeli art dealer who works on the posters, shows that he cooks with a Palestine partner. More information about the partners and about the prices that apply, actually does not exist. “Maar het is not de bedoeling om het stuk te verkopen”, says Abergel.

The concrete of the state of the largest of Israel and the Western Jordaanoever. In 2002 the wall was built by Israel and is now 700 meters long.
